Get Involved
Our supporters are a vital part of the work we do to protect reproductive health care in Florida.
There are lots of ways you can get involved with Planned Parenthood in Florida:
Find Events
Use the event tool to find events in your area by entering your zip code. You'll see events appear below that you can attend. Just click to get more details and RSVP.
We depend on our dedicated activists and volunteers to promote and protect reproductive rights and access to health care in Florida. Fill out this form and we'll connect you with an organizer in your community.
Share your Story
Are you among the one in five American women (or one of the countless men) who has been helped by Planned Parenthood at some point in your life? If so, we would love to hear your story.
Campus Organizing
Planned Parenthood Generation Action are campus organizations which educate and mobilize students and youth in support of reproductive health and rights.
Help us fight for laws and policies to protect your rights and health. Make a gift today and become a member of the Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates.
Vote By Mail
Sign up online to get your ballot mailed from your local Supervisor of Elections office!
Get Emails
Join our email network to stay on top of the issues and get information about specific opportunities to make a difference and protect reproductive health care.