District 1 Seat L
- Daniel Volland
District 3 Seat D
- Kameron Perez-Verdia
District 5 Seat H
- Yarrow Silvers
Seat A
- Margo Bellamy
Seat B
- Kelly Lessens
Candidate Endorsement Information
Learn more about our endorsement and approval process.
*In rare cases, Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates (PPAA) recognizes "Recommended Candidates." These candidates completed the PPAA questionnaire with a high score; not 100%.*
**Federal endorsements are made as an affiliate of Planned Parenthood Action Fund.**
Contributions to Planned Parenthood Votes Alaska PAC are not tax deductible. This communication was paid for by Planned Parenthood Votes Alaska PAC, PO Box 90009 Anchorage, AK 99509. The top 3 contributors are Jessica Bury, Anchorage, AK, Emily Olsen, Anchorage, AK, and Diane Disanto, Anchorage, AK. This NOTICE TO VOTERS is required by Alaska law. I, Rose O’Hara-Jolley, State Director, approve this message, and I certify that this Ad is not authorized, paid for, or approved by the candidate.
*Please be aware that if you contribute $2,000 or more (in the aggregate in a calendar year) to Planned Parenthood Votes Alaska PAC, you must file a Statement of Contribution 15‐5 Form under AS 15.13.040(r) no later than 24 Hours after making the contribution. Please find instructions on how to file form 15-5 here.