Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates (PPAA) is the advocacy and political arm of Planned Parenthood in Alaska, Idaho, Indiana, Hawaiʻi, Kentucky, and Washington. We are committed to ensuring that all people in the states we serve have access to the quality, affordable health care and information they need and deserve.
We are uniquely positioned to lead strategic reproductive health care advocacy and organizing initiatives. We have a proven track record of organizing supporters and volunteers online and in local communities and campuses to have an impact on legislation, hold elected officials accountable, and further advance the reproductive health care movement in our six states. We support state and local candidates who advocate for reproductive health and rights and work to dismantle the barriers that prevent people from accessing sexual and reproductive health care and information.
Through grassroots field and communications efforts, we ensure that PPAA supporters and volunteers have information and opportunities to engage in every election.
Each election cycle, PPAA determines who to recognize in the primary and general elections as well as if and to whom we will contribute funds via the Planned Parenthood Votes Alaska PAC, Planned Parenthood Votes Idaho PAC, Planned Parenthood Votes Hawaiʻi PAC, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Indiana PAC, Planned Parenthood Action Kentucky PAC, and Planned Parenthood Votes Washington PAC. The PACs assess each candidate’s support for reproductive health, rights, and justice based on achieving 100% on the PAC candidate questionnaire and additional factors which may include an interview. The PAC makes recommendations to the Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates Board of Directors, who votes to grant endorsements to candidates that meet the following criteria:
Centering Equity: We strive to support candidates whose lived experiences reflect the interests and identities of the people furthest from justice in their community, who seek policy changes that center those most impacted while aiming to dismantle racist systems and structures in our state.
Leadership: We review candidate voting records and past efforts to advance a pro-sexual and reproductive health and rights agenda; past volunteer, professional, and elected experience; and engagement in social justice advocacy efforts.
Building a powerful movement: We thoroughly review candidates' plans for winning the election, fundraising contributions, campaign activities, current endorsements and relationships, and more.
Approved Candidates
In the 2024 endorsement process, Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates introduced the ability for candidates to be approved by our organization.
An "approved" candidate is fully supportive of inclusive and accessible sexual and reproductive health care, but may be in a race with another candidate similarly aligned on these issues. Approved candidates are not ranked. Approval indicates that a candidate has demonstrated support for Planned Parenthood’s patients, community members, and the issues for which we advocate.
Recommended Candidates
In rare cases, Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates recognizes "recommended" candidates. These candidates completed our questionnaire and received a high score, but not 100%.
As an all-volunteer committee and board of directors, we have limited time and capacity and may not endorse in all races. However, to the best of our ability we welcome all endorsement inquiries and opportunities to speak with candidates running for office. To learn more about our endorsement process and/or request a candidate questionnaire, please email [email protected].
Federal endorsements are made as an affiliate of Planned Parenthood Action Fund.